Crystal Charts
A Co=Creation by Divine Scarlet & Gemma StoneSpirit

What is a Crystal Chart?
A Crystal Grid meets your Astrological Natal Chart (Crystal Chart $255)
Crystal Charts are an intuitive fusion of astrological and crystalline energies. Your natal astrology chart is a map of the planets and celestial bodies at the time and place of your birth. It contains a blueprint of your soul’s path for this lifetime, and past life themes. Interpretation of your natal chart provides insight on key areas of your life – challenges, lessons, opportunities, relationships, healing, and fulfillment. Working in alignment with the aspects of your chart allows you to approach lessons with foresight, leading to a happier and more meaningful life experience.
The intention behind the Crystal Chart is to create energetic balance for your planetary placements, by supporting your unique lessons with the crystalline energies.
We will take into account placements of planets, houses, signs, and aspects to choose a crystal. We will choose to balance it by choosing crystals that will enhance, protect, energize, or heal. When working with your Crystal Chart simply meditate upon the Crystal desired.

What do I get with my Crystal Chart Purchase?
Your Crystal Chart will come on a canvas print of your Astrological Natal Chart with each crystal specifically chosen, for your specific chart.
The Canvas print comes in a frame 8.5X11, which you are welcome to keep it in or you can replace it with your own frame.
Astrological Interpretation of your Natal Chart, with explanation of each planet and description of each crystal chosen and crystal properties, showing my it was chosen specifically for your astrological placement.
Your Crystal Chart will be infused with Reiki and infused with Crystal Sound Vibration Healing energy.